Ask the Sections
A Q & A with our 2022-2023 Section Chairs and Vice Chairs on the new Bar year .
Q : What is your fondest memory with your Section so far ?
38 June / July 2022
Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section : Chair Kevin P . Langley ( Morris Manning & Martin LLP ): The laughter and the personal connections forged over many in-person but informal ACYL board meetings have been the best part of my experience with the ACYL so far .
Vice Chair Patrick B . Reagin ( Holland & Knight LLP ): Our Board had an opportunity to all get together for dinner around the holiday season for the first time after our COVID-19 year , and it was great to have a chance to catch up with everybody in person and outside of the workweek .
Bankruptcy Section : Chair Doroteya N . Wozniak ( James Bates Brannan Groover LLP ): There have been so many wonderful Bankruptcy Section events over the years , but for me the community service events always bring the most treasured memories .
Vice Chair Alexandra ( CC ) Schnapp ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court ): I always look forward to catching up with colleagues and hearing about the latest and greatest cases from the past year at the Annual Year in Review CLE and lunch .
Business & Finance Section : Chair Christopher S . Dillon ( Holland & Knight LLP ): My fondest memories are the social events where I have the opportunity to catch up with Atlanta-area Banking & Finance practitioners that I do not often get to see as much as I would like given the nature of my practice being largely non-Atlanta based .
Vice Chair Katelyn H . Fredericks ( Nelson Mullins ): My fondest memories are the networking opportunities to see former colleagues and other practitioners at Section-sponsored events .
Construction Law Section : Chair Jake Carroll ( Nelson Mullins ): I always enjoy the Section ’ s annual holiday social in December . It is great way to connect with other Section members and I always meet someone new .
Vice Chair William J . Shaughnessy ( Jones Walker LLP ): Developing relationships with Atlanta ’ s prominent construction attorneys .
Corporate Counsel Section : Chair Douglas R . Balyeat ( Pratt Industries ( USA ) Inc ): Great networking opportunities .
Vice Chair Jerico J . Phillips ( Graphic Packaging International LLC ): The fun networking event at Steady Hand Brewery was one
of the first returning in-person events for me . It felt great to be back .
Dispute Resolution Section : Chair Douglas J . Witten ( BAY Mediation & Arbitration Services LLC ): My favorite memories over the years come from our monthly CLE and networking meetings , reconnecting with colleagues and sharing dispute resolution insights .
Estate Planning & Probate Section : Chair Kevin T . O ' Sullivan ( Cohen Pollock Merlin Turner , PC ): I do not have a single favorite memory , but as a member of the EP & P Board , I have consistently enjoyed collaborating with fellow Board members to organize and present speakers , socials , and other events for our membership . It is a gratifying process that provides benefits to our members and the Bar .
Vice Chair Hamida Jackson-Little ( Offices of H . J . Little ): As part of our Section ’ s volunteer activities for 2019 , a small group of Section members dedicated their time on a wintry December Saturday morning to distribute Christmas toys and gifts to needy families served by North Fulton Community Charities . We were able to establish new friendships within the Section while making a significant contribution to the community .
Family Law Section : Chair Dawn R . Smith ( Smith & Files LLC ): My fondest memories of the Section are all of the times we got together in person pre- COVID-19 , because I certainly did not appreciate the value and importance of in-person connections at the time !
Intellectual Property Section : Chair Meredith H . Ragains ( Georgia Lawyers for the Arts ): My fondest memory is meeting and spending time with Section members during the IP Section ' s Annual SpringPosium CLE . The boat cruise on Lake Lanier is a particular highlight .
Labor & Employment Law Section : Chair Neal F . Weinrich ( Berman Fink Van Horn ): My personal fondest memory dates back to our Section ’ s Advanced Employment Law seminar in 2013 . Before I was a Board member , I participated as a panelist in a Jeopardy-themed “ quiz show ” style program , where each of the panelists answered questions valued at $ 200 , $ 400 , and $ 600 . The questions covered various topics related to unfair competition by departing employees , including trade secrets , noncompetes , and computer fraud and abuse . The program was highly creative , a huge hit with the audience , and a fun one to be a part of !
Litigation Section : Chair E . Tyron Brown ( Hawkins Parnell & Young ): The in-person leaders in the legal community .