The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2022 Vol. 21, No. 1 | Page 40


Ask the Sections

A Q & A with our 2022-2023 Section Chairs and Vice Chairs on the new Bar year .
Estate Planning & Probate Section : Chair Kevin T . O ' Sullivan ( Cohen Pollock Merlin Turner , PC ): I hope to “ get outside the box ” with our socials and connect with Bar Sections that we have not traditionally interacted with . I think it will be beneficial to everyone involved .
Vice Chair Hamida Jackson-Little ( Offices of H . J . Little ): We are striving to continue to provide excellent speaker presentations and other programs to win small Section of the Year for the fourth year in a row !
Family Law Section : Chair Dawn R . Smith ( Smith & Files LLC ): We have big plans this year including in-person monthly breakfasts , a CLE , and bringing back our annual holiday luncheon honoring the judiciary . Most importantly , this is a year of intentionally committing to diversifying our membership and leadership to better reflect the Bar and the clients that we represent . We will be expanding our Board and exploring CLE and speaker rosters to ensure diversity and expertise .
Intellectual Property Section : Chair Meredith H . Ragains ( Georgia Lawyers for the Arts ): I hope to bring back social events with other Sections . We have held those in the past but it has been a number of years .
Labor & Employment Law Section : Chair Neal F . Weinrich ( Berman Fink Van Horn ): We are planning novel programming designed to engage members interested in various aspects of Labor and Employment law – more to come soon !
Litigation Section : Chair E . Tyron Brown ( Hawkins Parnell & Young ): This year , we want the Litigation Section to serve as a pipeline for younger lawyers to grow into leadership positions .
Vice Chair Amy B . Cheng ( Nelson Mullins ): The Litigation Section is a “ well oiled machine .” It is hard to follow in the footsteps of former Chairs and keep content “ fresh and relevant .” Chairman , E . Tyron Brown , has assembled a great board and committee leaders . I know under their leadership , the programming and events will remain “ top notch .”
Privacy & Cybersecurity Law Section : Chair Dorian W . Simmons ( Alston & Bird LLP ): We hope to plan our first data security and privacy symposium .
Vice Chair Erik J . Provitt ( GuideHouse ): We are hopeful that we can launch a blog that is regularly updated with content that is relevant and timely to the Atlanta legal community .
Public Interest Law Section : Chair Ayanna Jones-Lightsy ( Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation ): I look forward to helping public interest attorneys to bolster their emotional health . This work is very challenging and it would be so meaningful to provide more support .
Vice Chair Cari E . King ( Atlanta Legal Aid ): I look forward to cultivating some interesting broader educational programming that incorporates public interest topics and attracts attorneys who do not necessarily work in the public interest .
Sole Practitioner / Small Firm Section : Chair Jason N . Wiggam ( Wiggam Law ): Our Section has not been as active recently due to the pandemic . Now that we have the green light to have in-person meetings again , I hope to bring back the monthly lunch and breakfast meetings . I would also like to get our Section newsletter going again .
Women in the Profession Section : Vice Chair Barclay H . Vallotton ( Krevolin Horst ): After the novelty of the past couple of years , I do not think we need to reinvent the wheel too much . I hope to get back to basics with our Section , putting on in-person events that allow lawyers from all stages and areas of practice to find communion with colleagues , space for enrichment and learning , and opportunities for service .
Q : What is one advantage of joining your Section ?
Atlanta Council of Younger Lawyers Section : Chair Kevin P . Langley ( Morris Manning & Martin LLP ): The nature of our Section eliminates the possibility of any old guard - meaning there are plenty of opportunities for professional leadership involvement and advancement for young lawyers .
Vice Chair Patrick B . Reagin ( Holland & Knight LLP ): The ethos of the Section , and the Board , really is : “ help us up help you .” If younger lawyers have ideas for things that would be advantageous to their career development and beneficial to the Atlanta legal community , we have a group of people who are eager to help them achieve their goals .
Bankruptcy Section : Chair Doroteya N . Wozniak ( James Bates Brannan Groover LLP ): One of the many advantages of joining the Bankruptcy Section is the ability to connect and stay connected with fellow members . The Bankruptcy Section organizes different social events throughout the year which present a great opportunity to meet and mingle with current and new members .
Vice Chair Alexandra ( CC ) Schnapp ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court ): The Bankruptcy Section is a fantastic group and counts many judges among our members . Membership is a steal , especially when
40 June / July 2022