The Atlanta Lawyer January/February 2011 | Page 10

from the bench Building a Model Court By Chief Judge Patsy Y. Porter State Court of Fulton County A t a time when citizens and communities need them most, critical public services are being threatened by the worst fiscal crises since the Great Depression. School districts are trying to provide our kids with a quality education while tight budgets force them to do more with less. Parks are reducing hours or closing altogether. Public hospitals are finding it more difficult to provide quality care. And State Courts are feeling the budget squeezes in the form of delayed cases, increased filing fees and disappearing funding and personnel. CREATING A VISION Fortunately, great ideas are in limitless supply and remain unaffected by the whims of adequate funding. That is why – even during these tough economic times – the judges of the State Court of Fulton County have worked together to create a solid vision for the Court’s future and are doing everything it takes for us to become a model Court. To reach our vision, we are examining our institution at every level -- taking an honest look at what’s working and deciding what we need to do as a team to fix what is broken. We are determined to be fair and effective with every case we handle and every litigant we serve. We have agreed to use technology better to open the door to a more streamlined case management process, and we have agreed that the Court’s physical structure should be more appealing, with clear signage that helps everyone -- staff, customers and visitors -- get where they need to go. We are dedicated to transforming ourselves int