The Atlanta Lawyer January/February 2011 | Page 11
section news
Bankruptcy Section Update
By Brad Alexander Baldwin
Burr & Forman LLP
[email protected]
espite the hectic pace for many people in the Bankruptcy
Section, members were able to enjoy a few moments
of fun, recognition and praise the past few months. A
delightful time was had by all at Bankruptcy Section’s social
happy hour on October 6, 2010, and members used the occasion to
meet, greet and welcome Judge Wendy Hagenau, who recently
joined the bench as Bankruptcy Judge for the Northern District
of Georgia.
In December 2010, the Section hosted its annual CLE seminar on
“Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Year In Review,” one of the
best attended events that the Section sponsors. We are grateful to
the following panel speakers who make the event such a success
and have volunteered their time repeatedly for several years:
Judge Paul Bonapfel, Judge Mary Grace Diehl, Beth Anne
Harrill, James A. Pardo, Jr., Harris Winsberg, C. Edward
Dobbs and Alfred S. Lurey.
On October 22, 2010, the Bankruptcy Section was honored to
receive the Community Service Award from the Atlanta Bar
Association at the annual “Celebrating Service” luncheon. The
Bankruptcy Section received the award for the “Credit Abuse
Resistance Education” (or “CARE Program”) that the Section has
sponsored for the past several years. The CARE Program is a
financial literacy program presented by bankruptcy professionals
to educators and high school students about the potential risks
and dangers of credit abuse. The presenters are volunteers from
the Bankruptcy Section, usually a two-person team consisting
of a bankruptcy attorney and one of the bankruptcy judges from
the Northern District, and the hour long presentations are made
to classes of high school students here in the metro Atlanta area.
Since 2006, the Section has visited dozens of high schools and
presented to hundreds of students.
The December seminar was made even more meaningful this year,
as the luncheon was devoted to honoring Judge James E. Massey,
bankruptcy judge for the Northern District. Judge Massey
first joined the bench in 1993, and many admiring friends and
colleagues were present to pay tribute to his career in the practice
of bankruptcy law and his years of service on the court.
Accepting the Community Service Award for the Section was
Paul Baisier, who played a major role in the initial adoption and
organization of the CARE Program by the Section, as well as
coordinating and managing the program ever since. The Section
is always looking for more volunteers to help and more high
schools to visit. To learn more about the CARE Program, please
visit the website at If you are interested in
participating or helping out, please contact Paul Baisier or one of
the Section Board members listed at the Atlanta Bar’s website.
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association
In the upcoming months, the Section plans to hold a seminar in
February geared toward commercial bankruptcy issues, with the
annual Pollard Award scheduled for early May. There are also
plans to host monthly breakfast meetings for Section members.
We hope it will become an established event in our yearly calendar,
so be on the look out for further notices to follow.
The Bankruptcy Sections Board includes Chair Brad Alexander
Baldwin, Vice Chair/Chair Elect Paul M. Baisier, Secretary
Jennifer Meir Meyerowitz, Treasurer John A. Thomson Jr,
Immediate Past Chair, Tamara Miles Ogier, Members at Large
Ron C. Bingham II, Alison M. Elko, J. Hayden Kepner, John
W. Mills III, Scott B. Riddle, Richard H. Thomson, and Nancy
J. Whaley.
January/February 2011