The Atlanta Lawyer January/February 2011 | Page 9

community service In 2009, Mike Weston, son of Alston+Bird’s retired partner, Steve Weston, was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. Click here to read more about Mike Weston and his military service: jsp?id=1202435291179. In an effort to honor this Marine who made the ultimate sacrifice, the Brigade established the Michael Weston Scholarship which will be awarded annually, through an essay contest, to a college-bound high school student who is the child of a veteran. In an effort to help fund the scholarship program, the Brigade also sponsored a children’s art contest. The selected winning works of art, created by children and grandchildren of A+B staff and attorneys, have been used to create all-occasion cards that will be given to anyone making a contribution to the Mike Weston Memorial Scholarship Fund. Unfortunately, another retired A+B employee, Sue Peney, lost her son in Afghanistan in June of this year. A Ranger and highly trained medic, Jonathan Peney was killed as he tried to save the life of a fellow soldier. The Brigade has been instrumental in organizing blood drives and other events in memory of Jonathan. The Brigade also sent a special care package to Jonathan’s unit in Afghanistan, which also included Jonathan’s favorite candy and a note from Sue to the remaining members of Jonathan’s unit. The Brigade will continue their annual projects but continually look for new opportunities to support those who have served. If you would like more information about the Brigade or if you would like to make a donation to the Michael Weston Scholarship Fund, please contact Angie Burnette [email protected] or Cheryl Naja [email protected]. A+B Brigade preparing holiday care packages to military serving overseas. The Leader in Facilities Management Services IST is a full service Facilities Management and Legal Support provider specializing in the following services: • Copy Centers • Mail Rooms • Document Management • Fax Services • Reception • Day Porter Contact Amy Swart Executive Vice President & Partner IST Management Services Phone: (404) 582-8858 [email protected] The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association January/February 2011 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 9