The Art of Design Issue 21 2016 | Page 97

The watch can be synchronised with a mobile phone operating on Android 4.3+ or iOS 8.2+. it is recharged using a contact charger. Simply place the watch on top to recharge it. The watch also comes with a twoyear warranty. This is the same as the standard warranty that TAg Heuer offers for its watches. finally, anyone who purchases a TAg Heuer connected watch will have the option to exchange it for a mechanical watch incorporating a real Swiss watch movement. After the smartwatch’s two-year warranty expires, owners can go to the TAg Heuer boutique of their choice to exchange their TAg Heuer connected watch for a Swiss-made carrera calibre 5 mechanical watch. featuring an identical design and also made from grade 2 titanium, this mechanical watch has been exclusively developed for and made available to owners of TAg Heuer connected watches. The watch is available for 9,900 uSD, 9,300 euros, 9,900 cHf, 7,500 gbP, 78,000 HkD, or 1,120,000 jPy (plus vAT). TAg Heuer media contact: marine lemonnier-brennan [email protected] m.+41 79 389 67 62