The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 20

Bring Refreshments Approximately midway through the classes, take a 10-15 minute break for participants to get a drink and snack, and take a bathroom break. During the first class, ask participants what kind of refreshments they would like at future classes. Provide choices in refreshments. This is a small way that participants can state their preferences. Keep Classes Relaxed and Conversational The subject matter covered by the Personal SPACE curriculum is difficult and can be emotional. In order for the classes to be successful, participants should feel open to sharing ideas and experiences with the group. It is important that the trainers set the tone for the classes. Trainers should be completely comfortable with their own feelings about sexuality. Use trainers that are comfortable with a relaxed teaching style. If you should you find that one or more of the class participants dominates discussion, use visual and verbal prompts to remind the class that everyone needs an opportunity to share and participate. Foundational Activities The Personal SPACE Program curriculum is built on a series of foundational activities that are repeated throughout the classes with increasing degrees of variability and complexity. The classes rely heavily on the use of visuals and role playing activities. The Yes/Yes, Yes/No Activity establishes rules for setting boundaries and reveals a framework for the individual to decide whether consent between two people exists. Do each of the two parties want the activity to continue (yes/yes) or does one of the parties not want the activity to continue (yes/no)? The Three Safety Rules build on the first activity. If you don’t want to continue with an activity you: 1 2 3 Say “No” Get Away Tell Someone Through role playing activities, participants learn what to do if the person you tell doesn’t believe you, and learn that the most important rule is to “Tell Someone”, even if you didn’t say “No” or weren’t able to Get Away. Through Role Playing Activities, class participants le