The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 21

other being Yes/No and Unhealthy Relationships. By the end of the program, the women should be able to independently place the pictures on the correct area of the Violence Continuum. Finally, each class has a Continuing Learning Project that the participant is expected to complete before the next class. The project depends upon each woman identifying a Trusted Friend to assist her with continuing learning projects. For example, each participant is asked to practice saying “no” or to refuse things throughout her daily activities. The Trusted Friend will assist the participant by offering her a drink she doesn’t like or placing a demand on her that is unfair. Materials and Supplies This curriculum is purposefully low-tech so that it can be used almost anywhere. There is no need for TV/VCRs or overhead projectors, although trainers may wish to transfer lessons to these formats. Generally, trainers need to bring the following items to each class: • • • • • • Name tags and marking pens Curriculum Handouts for participants’ binders/manuals Visual aides and props Refreshments Handouts for Trusted Friends Class Routine As the program progresses, you will find that a standard class routine establishes. The first few classes establish class rules and the groundwork for this schedule and then a typical class will include the following activities: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Welcome and Introductions Warm Up Activity/Review Continuing Learning Activity Review Class Schedule Class Activities Discussion Refreshment Break Class Activities Discussion Continuing Learning Activity Adjourn While this routine may be typical, trainers should be prepared to adapt based on the needs of participants and issues that are raised during classes. While you may be prepared to discuss a new topic, new experiences or insight might take the discussion back to a subject covered in a previous class. Be prepared to change your lesson plan if need be. Page 21