The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 19

fit their everyday experiences. Differing attitudes towards sexuality and the role of women brought out important issues during discussions. Prior to classes, collect some basic information about the participants in order to better meet their training needs. 1. Has the individual been given information about Personal SPACE’s subject matter and is she interested in attending? 2. How does the individual communicate? 3. What accommodations and supports will the individual need to participate in classes and to do Continuing Learning Projects? 4. How much time does the individual spend in the community? 5. Are there any concerns for the individual’s safety? 6. Has the individual identified a “Trusted Friend” (someone who she can talk to and who will assist her with Continuous Learning Projects)? 7. Has the individual experienced any act of exploitation or violence and if so, has she received individual counseling? (Confidentiality regulations will limit what can be shared.) If anyone outside of the classes asks to observe the program, get permission from the program participants. If you plan to take pictures or videotape any of the classes for training purposes, ask participants to provide written permission. Find a Comfortable Location for Classes The physical environment for classes should be comfortable for both the participants and trainers. The room should be large enough for participants and trainers to move about during role plays, but small enough that there is a sense of privacy and participants can converse easily. Trainers should arrange the room in a way that is comfortable to them, however we recommend that participants be seated in a half circle with tables in front of them where they can place their binders/manuals. There should be plenty of area at the front of the room for trainers to teach, hang up large visual aides, place teaching materials, and model role plays. If the program is being offered in a public place, ensure that doors to the room can be closed during training. An additional room may be used as a “listening room” for program participants to talk privately with a trainer after class. Set a Regular Class Schedule Each class within the Personal SPACE curriculum takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A final Self-Defense class may be contracted out and can range from 2-4 hours. Classes should be run once or twice per week at a regularly scheduled time. Because each class builds on the information learned in prior classes, it is important that participants commit to attending all of the classes. Schedule the classes at a time convenient for the participants. If most participants work during the day, run the classes in the evenings. If participants work a late shift, schedule the classes in the morning or early afternoon. Arrive early and run through the class with the trainers. Plan to stay 30 minutes after the class to talk to class participants and evaluate the day’s class with the trainers. Page 19