The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 18

Know Your State’s Laws Governing Privacy, Confidentiality, and Reporting Before you begin planning, familiarize yourself with your State’s laws governing privacy, confidentiality, and reporting. Most states have reporting laws and regulations that require an individual in a professional role to report cases of assault or exploitation against a “vulnerable adult.” Make sure you and other trainers know what laws and rules you are governed by and the appropriate steps to take should a class participant self-expose a past or current experience with violence or exploitation. Prepare to Respond to Survivors The Personal SPACE Program deals with emotionally charged issues and may trigger participants’ memories of traumatic events. Long before you begin teaching classes, we recommend that a partnership be formed between the local organization that provides services to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, the organizations that support and advocate for women with developmental disabilities, and police. In the Appendices you will find a list of State organizations that can provide information on local resource organizations and services. Further information on building partnerships with victim assistance agencies can be found through The Arc of the United States at In an ideal world, a professional trained to respond to the needs of a sexual assault or domestic violence survivor would be part of the training team or on-site as a support person. In reality this is not always possible. It is important therefore for at least one trainer or support person to provide crisis intervention if a participant self-discloses. • • • • • • • • Contact your local victim assistance agency while planning your program and have a personal contact with them before you actually begin training. If the individual discloses in the group, ask her if she would like to talk more privately. Assure the individual that she did not cause the violence and it is not her fault. Listen to the individual and validate her emotions. Respond in a calm and supportive manner. Let her know she is safe and you want to help. Tell the individual that she has friends who want to help and support her. Be clear about what you must tell others. Maintain whatever level of confidentiality you agree to within the confines of the law. Explain what you will do and make sure you follow through. Follow the laws and regulations set out by your state . Follow through with contacting resources and completing any reports required of you. Form Diverse Groups Before you begin organizing classes, determine who the class participants will be. Personal SPACE is not recommended for children nor for individuals who have recently experienced violence and who have not received individual counseling. Participants in Personal SPACE classes do benefit from being in a group with diversity in background, experience, and abilities. During our classes, participants with less support needs often assisted participants in need of more support by urging them on during role plays and rewording lessons to better Page 18