The 9th 1/2019 | Page 33

Tell me something, boy

Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?

Or do you need more?

Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?

Diga por que se foi

Quantas vezes se sentiu sozinho longe?

Me diga o que pensou?

Pra vir buscar agora o que vivemos antes?

In this part, the only element preserved on the first verse was the dicendi verb, “tell” → “diga”, in the same verbal mode: imperative. The following three lines are all questions in both songs, something that wasn’t adopted on the second stanza. Now, there is an interesting method used in line two: “Void” and “sozinho” are synonyms, even though they aren’t from the same grammatical class of words and that the context, once again, changes, the idea of loneliness and void dialogue with the title “Shallow”. However, lines three and four don’t show any similarities.

Refrain: I'm falling

In all the good times I find myself

Longin' for change

And in the bad times I fear myself

Eu caí

E vi nascer uma força que nem sei de onde,

pra seguir

E suportar a falta desse amor

Chorus: I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

Diga o que te fez

Sentir saudade

Bote um ponto final

Cole de uma vez

Nossas metades

Juntos e shallow now

Paula Fernandes decided not to repeat the refrain, like in the original song, just the first line. Perhaps to reinforce the idea the song title expresses, the singer composed, in these other three lines, a continuation of the narrative she constructed in the stanzas above, using a different concept for “shallow” resignified on the romantic situation the speaker goes through.