Review: The Castle’s battles by Domingos Pellegrini
Bobuque’s people spread the seeds among rocks and started cultivating their own apple’s tree, wheat and collecting what nature gave them. Surviving day after day and trusting in each other for living together. But even fighting against all the bad things that happens to them, they learn about growing together and surpassing difficulties.
Bobuque’s court have to survive the black plague – this mortal disease couldn’t reach his castle just because it is so far from any civilization point, that rats and contaminated people could not get there alive; they fought the King (the new King) who follows them to collect the taxes from what they produced (the King collected wheat, apples and even the only healthy cow this poor court had). But the worst fight they had was against the Church.
They were once formed by rejected people. People who did not have any hope in life. Thieves who got forgiven from their sentence just to join Bobuque’s court; abandoned children whose parent where unknown; deaf musicians and crippled. And who rejected all of them before? The Holy Church. Just like nowadays, people who doesn’t have a religion may suffer some prejudice, and in the book, we see it when they receive a Priest who tries to catechize Bobuque’s court. But as they have a much better life now, living far from Church, they expel the Priest after this one obligated them to pray for hours and hours.
It is a great book. We can see with an alternative language how was life in middle Ages, from the poorest to the richest one. And don’t think you won’t cry during your reading, because it may naturally happen if you have a beating heart.