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The present study aproaches the issue of dependence on electronic games in the context of adolescents. Through the search made in bibliographical researches, we tried to construct the definitions of each element in its specific characteristics aiming to identify the conditions of the relations that exert between them. When adolescence was considered, the process of development at various levels was reached on adolescent subjects, especially the influence of identifications playing roles, due to the elaboration of a structural and structural mourning for which the subject faces. In the perspective of the games we find the fundamental definitions correlated to a series of gears which compose it and provide a universe of meanings to the subjects, which reach it through the construction of an alternative and recreational reality, regimented and channeled by the subject's ludic energy in interface with aesthetics and virtuality. Finally, through dependence, a possible diagnosis is reached and the contours of dependence are traced, presenting the disorders of impulse and compulsion, evidencing its symptomatology. Nevertheless, the applications of dependence are considered in the context of games and what functions they exert by the subject when appropriating this element as a structural incorporation. In conclusion, there was a present link given and sustained by the subject, which sends a message about the way it works.
KEYWORDS: Addiction. Electronic Games. Adolescents.
Games on the way to dependency:
relations and interconnections with teenagers