written by:
Gabriel henrique
The book first published in 1989, “As Batalhas do Castelo” the original title, figures among one of the most read between teenagers since its release. Wrote by Domingos Pellegrini, a Brazilian author, who also wrote may others titles not only for teens, but for “grown ups” too. The story takes place in European middle Ages, in the context of “black plague” when, for sanitary reasons, rats lived among humans and spread diseases. In real life, thousands of dozens were killed by contact with rodents and another humans who have already had previous contact with someone else infected. Also is shown in the book the domain of catholic Church and how it used to control peoples lives.
They were once formed by rejected people. People who did not have any hope in life. Thieves who got forgiven from their sentence just to join Bobuque’s court; abandoned children whose parent where unknown; deaf musicians and crippled. And who rejected all of them before?
We follow the Bobuque’s story – his name in portuguese is a joke with bobo (silly) plus Duque (Duke) forming something like a stupid Duke – he have been a Duke in the kingdom where he is from. When the King dies, and his son takes the crown, Bobuque “earns” a castle and a very special court. Thieves, deaf musicians, abandoned sick children and old cripples, sick animals and a few dried seeds. This was his court and everything they had.