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and things that didn’t exist until recently. Have you ever seen a muffin tree? What we are not asking ourselves is are those foods (or the processes we use to make and preserve them) actually helping or hurting us? Our foods today are more processed, heated, preserved, combined with more artificial chemicals (like sweeteners and colors), have fewer nutrients, are more calorie dense, and are more easily converted into blood sugar (a big thing to avoid for weight loss). Time for us to start to rethink our choices, as just because it is on a shelf, doesn’t mean it’s really good to eat for your long-term health and survival. Stop The Mindless Eating It is happening whether it is snacking at the office doing work, trying to eat something quick in the car, or just grabbing a snack while watching TV. We has lost all real awareness of what we are putting into our bodies...and more importantly what it is doing to us. Our lack of actually taking time out to focus on what we eat is the biggest issue to overcome How can we really make changes until we become more aware of what we 30 Day Transform 9