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Lifestyle Review
Do you schedule a yearly physical exam with your physician? You must
have a full physical examination if you are sedentary or if you have high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you
are over 30 years old. There are no exceptions. If you meet any of the above
requirements, schedule an examination..
Do you have any injuries or medical conditions that would prevent
you from performing any type of exercise? Don’t rush in to exercise. Talk to
your doctor. Your doctor understands your health and physical capacity better
than you.
Discuss the results of this lifestyle review with your physician before you
begin an exercise program. Create a partnership with your doctor. Make your
doctor part of your fat loss and health-building team. With good
communication and professional instruction, you chances of success will be
much greater.
Social support can be the #1 factor for success in fitness
programs. While the support can come from your spouse, brother or sister,
child, mom or dad, friend, neighbor, or co-worker, it’s a proven fact that
individuals have a greater chance of sticking to an exercise program when they
have to be accountable someone like a personal trainer or lifestyle coach.
Don’t try and do this on your own. Social support is important in your quest for
better health, fitness and fat loss.
Nutrition is the second most important factor for success in fat
loss programs. Do you keep a nutrition log? If not, start doing so! Record
your nutrition on your nutrition tracker. Record every aspect of your nutrition
for at least one week.
Exercise is the third most important factor. Arrange to have a
Fitness Assessment with a certified personal trainer or certified strength and
conditioning specialist (CSCS). This will help identify your physical limitations
and exercise capacity. It will also help the trainer individualize the program for
your training needs.
What is your current activity level? Log everything you do for at least
one week to get an idea of your daily energy expenditure (calories burned each