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The 4 Top Supplements to Fast Track Results
Branch Chain Amino Acids (male & Female)
0.44g p er kg BW during exercise
Leucine, isoleucine and valine are the three branch chained amino acids
(BCAAs) that will help increase your lean body mass, which increases your
metabolism and helps you burn greater and greater amounts of fat. BCAAs
have also been shown to spare glucose being used as a fuel meaning you burn
more fat while exercising, raise growth hormone production and decrease
visceral body fat stored around the stomach which is the beer gut look. BCAAs
will also increase energy production and testosterone levels during your
workouts. Mauro DiPasquale, who is a former world power lifting champion and
professor at the University of Toronto, is one who strongly champions the use
of BCAAs while you train. DiPasquale recommends taking 0.44g BCAAs per kg
of bodyweight for your workouts. If on a tight budget, 0.2g/kg bodyweight
would be the bare minimum to use or you will not benefit from supplementing
with BCAAs.
Maltodextrin/Dextrose Combination (males only)
1.2-1.6g p er kg BW post exercise
For maximum muscle growth, I always suggest using two post workout
shakes. By including carbohydrate with each shake, we minimize cortisol
production and promote an anabolic environment, which will build muscle.
Basically, a lean person should have a ratio around 3:1 or 4:1 carbohydrate to
protein. From here you simply divide your dose in half for your first and second
shakes. For the first shake use dextrose as your carbohydrate source. Dextrose
(or d-glucose) is a monosaccharide and is fast acting sugar perfect for
immediate ingestion following a workout. One hour later, have your second
shake with maltodextrin as your carbohydrate source. Maltodextrin is a
polysaccharide and releases the sugars into the blood at a more controlled rate
than dextrose. By using this combination of shakes and post workout
carbohydrate sources, it will promote better recovery and enhance the anabolic
window after exercise.
Whey Protein Concentrate (male & female)
0.4- 0.6g per kg bodyweight post exercise
Whey protein has been a staple of the bodybuilding & athletic community for
decades. High quality whey not only provides you with a great source of
protein to help lose weight but you also receive a host of other health boosting