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benefits. It is highly stimulating to the immune and detoxification systems and
has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.
One of the great components of whey is the protein fractions like
immuoglobins, which boost immune system function. Recently, whey protein
concentrate has also been proven, superior to the isolate version due to higher
amino acid ratios, immune system benefits and recovery profiles. With the
higher fat content, the concentrate also provides a greater feeling of satiety
and fullness. I also like the addition of casein to whey protein shakes for some
individuals as this slows down the release of amino acids into the bloodstream
leaving you fuller for longer and this combination, also produces a greater anti-
catabolic reaction. When purchasing, it very important that you choose a high
quality product that comes from grass feed cows, is low heated and has no
added sugars.
Essential Fatty Acids (male & Female)
3000-5000mg Omega 3 daily
Frankly, if you are not consuming fish oil right now, you need to start
immediately. The most important supplement to help you achieve an
immediate yet lasting change in physique is fish oil. The omega 3 content
found in fish oils will lower your body fat through two mechanisms. Firstly, it
increases fat utilization as an energy source and secondly, it decreases fat
storage by making you more insulin receptive. Another nice little effect is that
the DHA component of the fish oil improves mental drive while training by
increasing blood supply to the brain. Aside from just losing body-fat, fish oil
improves pretty much every health condition known to man. It will reduce
inflammation, diminish bipolar disorder and even raise the IQ of a preborn
baby. You want to rotate the source of your oils. The best type of fish oil to
start with is Krill Oil, which by the way is great for relieving PMS symptoms.
From there you can simply rotate oils with differing EPA:DHA ratios. As with
eating like a caveman, the more body fat you have to lose, the greater the fish
oil dose should be. A typical dose will range from 3-5g omega 3 per day.
If you require supplements please do not hesitate to email, and I will help you