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C URCUMIN AND H EART D ISEASE r 11 By preventing this oxidation in the first place, curcumin’s antioxidant properties keep the arteries clear of that potentially fatal oxidized cholesterol or plaque. CONCLUSION Curcumin’s abilities to protect your heart, brain and cardiovascu- lar system are beyond impressive. Consider the drugs commonly used to treat the heart conditions discussed in this chapter. The statin drugs alone (Lipitor, Crestor and their cousins) carry with them huge health risks from side effects, including causing death from sudden heart failure. It only makes sense to use substances that are effective as well as harmless. Curcumin is natural and safe. Only rarely do people taking cur- cumin get mild stomach upset at dosages of 10 grams per day or more. What’s more, even the highest quality products are very affordable. Who could ask for more?