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CHAPTER 3 Curcumin and Cancer C ancer arouses more fear in the human heart than any other dis- ease. The dread is well placed, even though cancer is not the #1 killer in the Western world. Every year, more than 1.5 million people are diagnosed with cancer, not including skin cancers, which are by far the most com- mon cancers. Skin cancers afflict 2 million more people every year. Each year, 569,000 of us will die of cancer. There is probably not a single one of us who doesn’t know someone who has had cancer and who has personally been touched by the pain and suffering of this dreaded disease. It is not the purpose of this small book to detail the various types of cancer and the death tolls they exact, but let it suffice to say that lung, colon, prostate and breast cancers kill more Ameri- cans than any other forms. While most of us think that cancer is an inherited disease, sci- ence shows us that fewer than 2% of all cancer is related to genet- ics (broken or mutated genes). That means 98% of cancer is caused by something else. That “something else” has opened a whole new science called epigenetics, meaning literally “above genetics.” The good news is that we have far more control over our epi- genetics than genetics. Renowned scientist Ajay Goel, Ph.D., of the Gastrointestinal 12