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10 r C URCUMIN —T HE 21 ST C ENTURY C URE “When the herb is given orally, it can actually prevent and reverse hypertrophy, restore heart function and reduce scar forma- tion,” researchers wrote. PREVENT STROKE AND STOP STROKE DAMAGE Strokes have two major causes. The most common is a blood clot that travels to the brain and the second is a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. As we learned earlier in this chapter, the buildup of cholesterol, elevated homocysteine and CRP levels and even con- gestive heart failure are risk factors for stroke as well as heart attack. Since stroke is a cardiovascular disease, a stroke is a “brain attack,” if you will, similar to a heart attack. We already know that curcumin has powerful preventive and healing properties for all of these conditions. Strokes almost inevitably damage brain cells. But exciting new research shows that curcumin, given intravenously, can minimize brain damage while a stroke is in progress because it can cross the blood-brain barrier, protecting the mechanisms that help regener- ate brain cells. This is effective if it is administered in an emergency room within three hours of a stroke. SUPER ANTIOXIDANT Curcumin’s antioxidant properties are one of its most potent weapons against all of the diseases commonly linked with the aging process, most notably cardiovascular disease. I like to think of antioxidants as “rust removers” of the body because they literally remove the “rust” or the foundational causes of the diseases of aging connected to excessive free-radical oxygen molecules. Cholesterol or even excessive cholesterol in itself does not clog arteries. It is the oxidized cholesterol that clogs arteries, restricts blood flow to vital organs and eventually breaks away to cause heart attacks and strokes.