The 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Eating Blueprint PDF eBook Free Download The Ultimate Fitness Formula eBook PDF | Page 18

FAQ Q: Where do I get the ‘Whey Protein’ from? A: If you are in Hobart come and talk to us. We have our own brand of whey protein and there are samples available to try. If you are interstate or overseas then you can get it from Bauer Nutrition » Sports Nutrition : Body Fuel™ High Grade Whey Protein Q: Where do I get Maca Smoothie Blend from? A: , they also have lots of other cool things too! Q: Do I have to eat everything on there, it seems like too much food? A: No, as long as you have enough energy to train and recover, then you can decrease the portions or the snacks. I bet you never thought you’d be asking to eat less on a ‘diet’! Have a look at my articles on eating a whole lot less here -->> Q: Can I do this for longer that 14 Days? A: Yes you can. The longest we have done it for was six weeks and this was with regular training etc. The trick is to get the 14 days done and then incorporate some other foods back in if you wish. Then you can always come back to the eating plan when you need to refocus or lose extra weight for a special event. Q: Will I regain weight after the 14 Days? A: If your eating habits caused you to gain weight before the 14 days then they still will after the 14 days. If you can make an overall improvement in your eating habits after the 14 days then you can still lose weight.