Thank You newsletter No. 1_Layout 1 22/11/2013 10:37 Page 5
Jack’s legacy has already made a huge
difference, but ultimately, by empowering
the Hurley Ward team to dare to be different,
Jack and his family have helped transform
future elderly care throughout the hospital.
For the staff celebrating these ward
achievements, seeing the positive
difference and experience shared by dozens
of patients and their relatives is an immense
source of pride.
Jack Maunder’s sister, Jo Bastin, was guest
of honour at the lunchtime tea party for
Hurley Ward, said: “I am sure my brother
would be pleased – his legacy couldn't have
opened a better ward.”
If you would like to discuss leaving a
legacy or making a donation to the
Royal Berks Charity for the benefit of
generations to come, please contact
me on 0118 322 8860
Thank you
Mark Goff