ThankYou newsletter Volume 1 | Page 6

Thank You newsletter No. 1_Layout 1 22/11/2013 10:38 Page 6 STOP PR RESS.... S...STOP P PRES ESS...STOP e Robot Robbie th now ours is We are delighted to be able to tell you that ‘Robbie’ is now officially ours. An announcement will be given to the press in the near future – we thought you would like to know first. From the moment the agreement was signed to purchase ‘Robbie’ Consultant Adam Jones (pictured right) and the staff from the Urology Department worked tirelessly to raise funds. Over the last three years they have supported many fundraising events, held Christmas and Summer Balls, and given group tours of the Robot in situ in the hospital out of working hours (pictured below). We could not have achieved this without 6 your support. Thank you. The fund will remain open to purchase future enhancements, train surgeons and to take advantage of any new advances in robotic surgery that will enhance care at the Royal Berks Hospital.