Thank You newsletter No. 1_Layout 1 22/11/2013 10:37 Page 4
A lasting legacy
changes that Jack’s legacy has brought
about. Hurley Ward rehabilitates older
patients, who are medically fit but awaiting
a package of care or who just need help
rebuilding confidence so that they can be
independent upon discharge. Drawing on
their knowledge and experience, the Hurley
Team wanted the ward to reflect their
patient’s specific needs and Jack’s legacy
afforded them the financial freedom to
pioneer new ideas, such as:
• Colour themed bays (poppy red, sunshine
yellow, ocean blue and woodland green);
• Signage and furniture so patients with
dementia can find their way around;
• Lounge room with recreational activities
such as memory cards, reading groups and
social dining
Such was the success of these changes
that the team then applied to, and received
£500,000, from the Department of Health
to create similar dementia friendly
environments in the hospital’s elderly
care wards.
On its own, through the new Parkinson’s
Clinic and the changes to Hurley Ward,