Thank You newsletter No. 1_Layout 1 22/11/2013 10:37 Page 3
Royal Berks Charity – Empowering change…
A lasting
To me one of the joys of donations to the
Royal Berks Charity is that they afford
front-line medical staff the freedom and
‘wriggle-room’ to establish services and
acquire equipment that are beyond the
means of the NHS budget and that often
then become recognised as essential.
part of Jack’s legacy to open the doors to
a weekly Parkinson’s Disease clinic where
a specialist works with patients to
balance and adjust their medication,
provide equipment and signpost them to
other care and support services. Jack’s
legacy will fund this clinic for seven years!
A legacy from local resident, Jack
Maunder, captures this to a tee and I hope
you will join me in nodding skywards and
saying ‘Thank you, Jack’ as one day many
of us, our family and friends will benefit
from his lasting legacy.
In itself this is remarkable; however,
Jack’s legacy didn’t just stop with
Woodley Ward. On October 10th, 2013,
staff and supporters gathered together to
celebrate the 1st Anniversary of Hurley
Ward and the significant hospital-wide
In September 2013 Woodley Ward used
Ô continued on pages 4 & 5
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