TGA - The Global Achievers Issue 3/2023 | Page 31

journal. I would record at least five people, places, or things that I was grateful for.

During that time, I did not have a voice. One of my many side effects was that I had chemo sores on my voice cords, I lost my voice. There is a song I learned years ago. I would sing it to my children when they were young and later to my grandchildren. I ended up singing it to myself, inside of my mind, when I was really having a tough time getting through that moment.

Picture this. No hair on my head, my fingernails and toenails were gone, no voice, I had chemo sores on my face, I was experiencing pain at a level twelve out of ten

yet I would count my many blessings and name them one by one… many times with tears running down my inflamed, sore ridden face. As I did, I realized that I had so much to be thankful for and it gave me the courage and strength to face one more moment in time. Then the next time I did this practice, I was able to get through another moment. Moment after moment became a day, a week, a month, until two years had passed, and I was found to have no evidence of cancer.


“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin