Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe you are worthy to receive them? I sure do and I have!
I just spoke on a digital stage about this subject. I went into detail how I have put this practice to the test more than once in my life. If you are on Facebook, check out my page and look for my speech given on Saturday, April 29, 2023. I am the second speaker on the 27th Global Live Speakers Summit focusing on the topic, ‘How to Shape Your Mindset for Success’. There you can see what I said and how I said it. I believe seeing it is going to cement this point and how you too can incorporate the ‘Miracle Mindset’ into your life today.
In my speech I encourage you to hold your hands on your heart and use the words, “I AM.” These words are powerful when added to what you see for yourself and your life. For example, when going through a health issue and after counting your many blessings, the next step is to look into the mirror with your hands on your heart and say, “I AM HEALED.” Say it over and over. See it, feel it, know it, and say it. Do this daily. I did. Can I guarantee to you it will heal you, no. I cannot. Do I believe it will help, yes, I do.