TGA - The Global Achievers Issue 3/2023 | Page 30

It seems that many in our global family are struggling. If you are not, may I be the first to say how happy I am for you. For those of you that are saying, “Yes, that is me, I am having some issues right now that are causing this or that.” I want to say you are not alone. And, may I add, there is hope!

To continue my story, for those who do not know I am one of five people in four generations that have heard “those three words.” During my journey back to health and through that chapter in my life, my doctor told me I was the grand prize winner of all his patients with the most recorded side effects due to my treatments. What a title to hold, right? The winner of the most side effects. YES! You know why? Because I won my life. I am alive writing this article for you to read. I am alive today to make a difference for tomorrow. I am alive to fulfill my destiny. How did I do it? By counting my blessings!


“When you count your blessings, you realize you’re actually doing just fine.” ~ Unknown

In the ‘Celebration Journal: Full of Love, Health, and Amazing Success’ I wrote about how each day when I was going through my health journey, even in those darkest moments, I would start each day by counting my many blessings. Some call it a gratitude journal. I would record at least five people, places, or things that I was grateful for.