Text Your Ex Back PDF / Examples Full Book Free Download Michael Fiore | Page 3

THE TEXT YOUR EX BACK STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM REVEALED those emotions into the feelings of warmness, closeness, and attraction that we’re trying to create. Sound complicated? It’s not. But it does require more “grist for the mill.” You need stories, emotions, and pieces of your relationship that you’ll use in your communication with your ex to focus your ex on positive thoughts about you, create your “fantasy world,” and drive them back into your arms. Prepping The Shot (A Little Bit Of “Text Judo” Homework) Fill out the following questions before moving on to the next section. Like all the assignments, this is important, building organically on what we’ve done before and creating a foundation for what is still to come. Take the time, do the work, and you’ll be really happy with the results. Question 1: What were the POSITIVE aspects of your relationship with your ex? What were the things you had in common that drew you together? What was it about your relationship that you really loved and adored? What was it that made you guys really WORK as a couple? (Even when things started getting bad, there were probably things that drew you together.) Just to get the old creative juices flowing, here are a few possible cate- gories that I hear all the time. You can beg, borrow or steal . . . Music - what bands did you both LOVE? Was there a particular kind of music that drew you together? Did you meet at a Phish concert? Are you both jazz freaks or metal heads? Politics - do you both hate the same ideas (strangely, that can be a real bonder for people)? Do you have similar ideas on how your country should be run? Do you have ideological or activist causes in common? Passions - what gets you both “humming like an 8-cylinder engine?” What do you both CARE about on a really passionate level? If you’re both part of PETA, that definitely counts. So does a general love of the outdoors, or a love of DIY projects. Religion - same ideas as above. Are you both devout Christians? Occa- sional Mormons? Lapsed atheists? Write down the commonalities of your faith. 30