Text Your Ex Back PDF / Examples Full Book Free Download Michael Fiore | Page 2

Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping THE TEXT YOUR EX BACK STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM REVEALED Another great way to cut a negative conversation short is to simply write “This is inappropriate.” and stop talking. You’ll be amazed at how well that one works. “Text Judo” - The Cornerstone Of The “Text Your Ex Back” System What is “Text Judo?” Great question. “Text Judo” is the art of using your ex’s existing emotions “against them” in order to get the positive result you want. In regular Judo, a martial artist uses an opponent’s “strength” against him, redirecting a lunge or a punch, for example, so that the attacker ends up in a bruised and battered pile on the floor. A really good Judo practitioner at work is a sight to behold. A 5-foot-tall woman can throw a 6’4” linebacker around like a rag doll if the woman knows CONTROL while the linebacker knows nothing but POWER. Now, your ex is not your “enemy,” or this is not like combat, but the metaphor works. Since your ex is probably still feeling a lot of “hot” emotion around you, you’re going to use that emotion to our own ad- vantage. Remember, your ex feeling ANY emotion towards you (even hate) is, in many ways, a GOOD thing. Apathy will kill any chance you have of getting back together with your ex, but any positive or nega- tive powerful emotion can be transformed and guided using simple techniques I’m going to teach you. If your ex is angry at you, you can use that anger to ignite the spark of love that’s probably still buried deep down inside. If your ex is hurt by you, you can use that hurt to uncover the desire for acceptance and love that left him or her open to being hurt by you in the first place. And on and on and on. The key to “Text Judo” is to ACKNOWLEDGE the elephant in the room. If you come back into your ex’s life pretending that nothing ever went wrong in your relationship, it’ll blow up in your face. Instead you ACKNOWLEDGE the problem, give VALIDITY to your ex’s emotions (es- pecially if you’re a man trying to win back a woman), and then translate 29