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THE TEXT YOUR EX BACK STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM REVEALED Sex - are you guys sexually compatible? Do you share fetishes? Sex is important, folks, and a good and compatible sex life is 100% critical to you having a life together. Kids - do you have kids together? If so, that’s a pretty big common interest. What is it about your kids that drives you together? What about your children do you both enjoy? (Oh, and if you bad mouth your ex in front of your kids, you’re a bad person. Don’t do that. Seriously.) Hobbies - what kind of hobbies did you share? Dancing? Theatre? Movies? Video games? Walking the beach with a metal detector? Do you both love travel? Do you both hate Dr. Phil? Whatever it is, get it all on paper in a big list. Be as exhaustive as you can be. Really think out the “stuff” that drew you together before, and that you think could draw you together again. Question 2: What are the BEST EXPERIENCES you and your ex ever had together? Now that we know what drew you together in the first place (besides pheromones . . . man, those things are powerful; I get within t en feet of my girlfriend and my brain turns off and I start slobbering like a cave man), now it’s time to list the BEST EXPERIENCES your ex and you ever had together. These should be the stories you’d tell your grandkids, and the stories that will crawl right into your ex’s unconscious to make them smile or laugh, almost despite themselves. These experiences don’t necessarily have to be “positive” in the tradi- tional sense. As any war vet or survivor of a natural disaster knows, trauma has an incredible bonding effect on human beings, and “being in a foxhole” together makes lifelong friends (and sometimes lovers). These are the kinds of experiences I want you to list. Brainstorm freely for now. You can edit down to the really good stuff later. Your “Couple Origin Story” - This is the story of how you got together in the first place. It’s probably SUPER EMOTIONAL for both of you, because you were both feeling such intense attraction when it happened. Being able to bring that back up in your ex’s mind is very powerful. Adventures you shared - These are usually “one off” memories, like that trip to the Grand Canyon, the honeymoon in Hawaii, or the crazy weekend in Vegas. Just make sure the adventure was some- thing you both look back on fondly, and not something your ex is going to get annoyed by. For example, if the car broke down at the 31