Test Membership Report Vol.1 | Page 38

Southwestern College, Michael Obendorf - University of Idaho, Justin Babcock - Sam Houston State University, Brice Reusink - Texas Tech University, Nicole Boyett - University of Florida. Our area coordinators included Wade Walker – Amarillo, Shawn Mahan – Midland/Odessa, Cameron Swarb – Lubbock/Midland/Odessa, John Dansby – Lubbock, Andra Lancaster – Snyder/Abilene, and Brock Vasu – East Texas. For the first time the Northern Texas PGA employed two fall interns to assist with junior golf and Section tournament activities from September - November. Brice Reusink, a summer All American Tour intern, and Chris Gilkey, a summer Section intern, both extended their summer internships and assisted with fall programming. Social Media: The Northern Texas PGA Junior Golf Foundation continued its efforts to enhance its communication and marketing efforts through its Facebook and Twitter accounts. Foundation and Junior Tour news and information, tournament photos, as well as links and videos to other golf industry related news is communicated via social media. The NTPGA Junior Tour currently has 1,041 “likes” on Facebook and 241 followers on Twitter, increases of 2.0% and 5.7% respectively this quarter. COMMUNITY GOLF: The following is a summary of the 2012 programs and events to date: NTPGA Summer Golf Camps: This summer, the Foundation conducted five one-week long golf camps in five DFW locations, in partnership with the Cross Timbers/Coppell YMCAs, Town North YMCA, Frisco/Russell Creek YMCAs, Lake Highlands/Richardson YMCAs, and McKinney YMCA. During each weeklong camp, junior golfers ages 6-12 learned full swing fundamentals, putting, chipping, bunker play, rules, etiquette, and safety as well as have the opportunity to play golf at Old American Golf Club, Los Rios Country Club, Pecan Hollow Golf Club, Lake Park Executive Golf Course, and North Texas Golf Center. The cost of each camp is $199.00 per camper and included instruction, a new set of custom fit golf clubs, a new golf bag, two golf balls, tees, a hat, a water bottle and awards for each camper during the Friday outing, as well as unlimited free golf at the North Texas Golf Center and Lake Park Executive Golf Course throughout the summer. Campers also had the opportunity to play Brookhaven Country Club’s Presidents Course at a discounted rate. In addition, each participant received a complimentary entry fee into the 2012 Kids Play FORE Kids golf event. 566 kids (34 more than 2011) were introduced to the game at the five camp locations. Brett Beaty, assistant golf professional at Keeton Park GC was the lead instructor for the Town North YMCA camp. Dave Hasse, director of instruction at Sherrill Park GC was the lead instructor for the Lake Highlands/Richardson YMCAs camp, Chad Moscovic, teaching professional at Eldorado Country Club, and Bruce Sims, Bruce Sims School of Golf, were the lead instructors at the McKinney YMCA camp, a NTPGA PGM intern was the lead instructor at the Cross Timbers/Coppell YMCAs camp and Scott Robbins, director of instruction at Old American Golf Club, was the lead instructor for the Frisco/Russell Creek YMCAs camp. The lead instructors were assisted by 22 other PGA professionals, apprentices, coaches and interns throughout the summer. Children’s Medical Center once again partnered with the Foundation to support the NTPGA Summer Golf Camp program and the community. The projected 2012 NTPGA Summer Golf Camp income was $142,080.00, based on 670 camp participants. The actual NTPGA Summer Golf Camp income was $120,588.00, which is a 10.0% increase from 2011 ($109,613.00), but 15.1% less than 2012 projections. Ladies Golf Clinics: The Northern Texas PGA conducted two Ladies Golf Clinics in 2012 to introduce women to the game of golf. The first clinic was conducted during the week of April 16-22 at North Texas Golf Center and the second clinic was conducted the week of October 22-26 at the Frisco YMCA and Old American Golf Club. A total of 32 women participated in the clinics and were provided with instruction from PGA professionals, a set of Paragon golf clubs, golf balls, tees, a nine-hole scramble at North Texas Golf Center and Old American Golf Club, and complimentary golf and lessons at North Texas Golf Center on a monthly basis as part of a Golf 2.0 grant initiative. 37