Deloitte / NTPGA Golf in Schools Program: The Deloitte Northern Texas PGA Golf in Schools Program
continues its mission of introducing elementary, middle and high school students to the game of golf through
physical education curriculum. This year the Deloitte Northern Texas PGA Golf in Schools Program was
implemented in Dallas Independent School District and Wylie School District.
Fairway to Success: Fairway to Success completed its fifth year in the spring of 2012 at W.W. Samuell High
School and Thomas Jefferson High School and was introduced for the first time at Lincoln High School.
The 2011-2012 school year got off to a great start as 33 students at Samuell, 31 students at Thomas Jefferson and
15 students at Lincoln participated in the after school programs. Students that were able to meet certain
participation requirements during the after school program attended field trips at Keeton Park Golf Course and
North Texas Golf Center. 64 seniors became eligible to apply for scholarship (nine more than fall 2010).
Fairway to Success picked up where it left off beginning in February for the spring semester with 21 participants
at Thomas Jefferson, 51 participants at W.W. Samuell and 14 participants