Test Membership Report Vol.1 | Page 19

#5: PGA Tournament Participation – applies to the TOTAL CATEGORY Participation in Section-sanctioned golf tournaments or tournaments conducted by the PGA of America National Office. Entered via registration/list 2 credits per Section event 4 credits per National event Maximum of 8 credits per MSR cycle year #6: Merchandise Show Attendee – applies to the TOTAL CATEGORY Attending a National, Section or Allied Association Merchandise Show. Entered via registration/list 2 credits per show Maximum of 4 credits per MSR cycle year #7: Media Related Articles – applies to the TOTAL 1 credit per article CATEGORY Maximum of 6 credits per MSR cycle year PGA-approved news, media, magazine articles or published book. Entered via member online input #8: Other non-PGA Education – applies to the TOTAL CATEGORY Attending non-PGA conducted Education or Seminars, completing online education not offered by the National, Section or Chapter. Example – College course, CPR, non-PGA conducted Education. Entered via list or by the member online 1 credit per hour of attendance with a maximum of eight (8) credits for any one online course. Total MSR per cycle = 54 Required Meeting/Education/Golf 2.0/Player Development Category = 36 Section sanctioned = Approved by the Section Office/Section Board Nationally sanctioned = Approved by the PGA of America Membership Department, with counsel from the Board of Control as needed. Golf 2.0 Conducting and Reporting Program Results: 1. Registering, promoting, conducting and reporting on Golf 2.0 Programs via PGA registration and reporting tools; examples include: a. b. c. d. e. Get Golf Ready (2 credits per graduating class, minimum of three students per class) Get Golf Ready 2 (3 credits per graduating class, minimum of three students per class) Get Golf Ready Outings/Leagues (3 credits per reaching minimum thresholds) PGA Sports Academy (2 credits per graduating class, minimum of three students per class) Future Golf 2.0 Programs (Credits awarded in a manner equitable with a through d above) 18