Test Membership Report Vol.1 | Page 18

6. Members who have attained 25 years of active membership and are at least 65 years of age before the start of the Professional Development Program shall be required to earn 12 credits from the PGA Meeting/PGA Education/Golf 2.0/Player Development category only. ACTIVITY CREDITS EARNED #1 (a): PGA MEETING and PGA EDUCATION Attending or serving as an instructor or speaker at a National, Section or Chapter PGA Meeting or PGA Education activity, including National/Section/Chapter committee and Board meetings. Attending an Allied Association National Meeting. Any online Education through PGALinks. Example – Any Meeting/Education gathering of PGA members conducted by the National, Section or Chapter. 1 credit per hour of attendance. (No maximums) (Any meeting or education program conducted or coconducted by the National, Section or Chapter. Example of a co-conducted program is the PGA/USGA Rules of Golf Workshops) #1 (b): GOLF 2.0/PLAYER DEVELOPMENT Promoting, conducting and reporting Golf 2.0 Programs in order to engage and create golfers. Completing Golf 2.0 online tutorials and webinars. Example – Reporting creation and activation of new golfers and completing online tutorials and trainings via PGALinks Entered via registration/list or survey completion Credits based on the promotion, conducting and reporting Golf 2.0 Program results. 1 credit for completion of Golf 2.0/Player Development tutorials and training via PGALinks. REQUIRED 36 CREDITS IN A 3 YEAR CYCLE **MAY BE EARNED EXCLUSIVELY FROM EITHER CATEGORY OR ANY COMBINATION OF 1 (a) or 1 (b)** #2 Service to the PGA/Industry – applies to the TOTAL CATEGORY Serving the Section, Chapter, National PGA or Allied Association. Participating in advancement of the game activities such as radio shows, TV shows, speeches, golf promotional non-playing events, golf clinics and other volunteer activities, such as non-playing tournament official. Entered via member online input 1 credit per hour of participation with a maximum of 8 credits per day (Such as PGA Free Fit & Trade and local player development programs) #3: Golf Coach – applies to the TOTAL CATEGORY Serving as a golf coach or assistant golf coach of a high school/college golf team in a capacity not considered the member’s primary employment. (See Rule #4 above) Entered vi