lot
of
people
will
find
out
they
actually
do
have
intolerances,
parBcularly
if
they
cut
out
gluten
for
days
and
then
re-‐introduce
it.
You
might
get
headaches,
joint
pain,
stomach
upset,
bloaBng,
or
other
symptoms.
If
you
do,
then
you
can
know
for
certain
that
you
should
definitely
avoid
gluten
all
the
Bme.
You
can
also
do
this
kind
of
eliminaBon
diet
for
dairy
if
you
aren’t
sure
if
it
causes
a
problem.
Just
make
sure
you
don’t
introduce
two
potenBal
foods
at
once,
as
you
won’t
know
which
one
caused
the
reacBon
if
you
have
a
problem.
How
to
Succeed
You
can
get
healthy,
lose
weight,
or
maintain
a
healthy
weight
quite
easily
on
the
Paleo
diet.
Here’s
how
to
get
started:
·
Get
rid
of
all
the
junkfood
–
now.
Donate
all
the
junk
food,
packaged
stuff,
and
other
undesirable
food
from
your
pantry.
Give
it
to
a
homeless
shelter
or
food
bank.
Or
throw
it
out.
·
Don’t
eat
out
at
restaurants
unBl
you
know
you
can
resist
temptaBon
–
and
know
which
foods
do
not
have
gluten/dairy
etc.
in
them
·
)