Test Drive 1 | Page 4

2 1 Types of contraceptive available Abstinence: these means, not having sexual intercourse. Since there is no sexual intercourse, the probability of getting pregnant is 0%. This method is the best one for people who are very young and are not ready to have a baby. male condom: these are generally made of latex, and they cover the penis to collect sperm and not let it inside the women. male condoms are said to be very helpful against sexually transmitted diseases, but using one will not take away all the risks completely. they are said to be 85% effective. some tips for using a male condom are: always use a new condom, put the condom before any intercourse is made, using two condoms could provoque a condom break and getting an STD or getting pregnant Spermicides: these are chemicals that destroy sperm, it is available in many ways: foam, jelly, cream, suppository, and film. it has to be putted inside the vagina no more than 30 minutes before the sexual intercourse. and left in place 6 to 8 hours after intercourse to prevent pregnancy. they do not prevent Sexually Transmitted Deseases, they only prevent pregnancy. they are said to be about 75% effective on preventing a pregnancy. some tips are: put it before any sexual intercourse, Do not use spermicidal lubricant with anal intercourse. used correctly, spermicides and condoms are about 97% effective in preventing pregnancy. Oral contraception: these are pills that prevent ovulation, and without ovulation there is nothing to fertilise, so this will protect the women against a pregnancy but not against a Sexually Transmitted Disease. These pills should be taken every day. they may cause vomiting, diarrea, acne, constipation and other symptoms. If you smoke and you are taking contraceptive pills, you could have a heart attack, stroke or other life threatening disease. Contraceptive injections: he injection contains progestogen. This thickens the mucus in the cervix, stopping sperm reaching an egg. The contraceptive injectio