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Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases more commonly known as STD`s are diseases transmitted from an infected person to another when they practice sexual acts. 1 in every 2 sexually active people will get one by the time they are 25. Most of these have a cure a few don’t, but all are treatable in order to reduce the symptoms of get rid of the infection. The most common STD is Chlamydia nearly 1 million cases are reported every year in the United States alone. It is transmitted by vaginal, oral, and anal sex. It also is transmitted from a mother to a child during birth. The symptoms for women are vaginal discharge usually a yellow-green color, bleeding not during there period, and a burning sensation when peeing. For men symptoms are similar they get the discharge as well but they get a burning or itching sensation around the opening of the penis. This is curable, people receive oral antibiotics. In case of having a partner both should be treated. If left untreated it can cause PIV and infertility in women, men could get testicular inflammation. Herpes 1 causes cold sores and fever blisters a round the mouth; Herpes 2 causes genital sores. A herpes outbreak can start as red bumps and then they turn into sores. The sores tend to be painful. When you first get it can also show flu like symptoms. Herpes can be transmitted by kissing or sexual contact. It has no cure, but you can get medication to reduce the frequency of the outbreaks and the pain. Trich is another common STD there is 3.7 million reports of trich in USA. This is transmitted by vaginal sex. Men can get discharge from the penis, a burning sensation after urination or ejaculating, and irritation on the penis. Women can get discharge as well, the vagina becomes smelly, and there is a yellowish discharge. It`s curable by using antibiotics. There are around 36,000 new cases of Syphilis reported each year. It starts when a chancre appears; chancres are painless sores, in the genitals, anus, or mouth. Other symptoms appear 6 months after the chancre including a rash the harsher symptoms happen when its left untreated. If untreated the symptoms can disappear but the infection is still in the body and it can cause brain, heart, and nervous system damage. If caught early antibiotics can cure the infection but it can`t undo the damage already done. Gonorrhea infects genitals, anus, and the throat. Gonorrhea can cause a burning sensation while urinating, abnormal white, green, and yellowish vaginal or penile discharge. Women can also get pelvic pain while men can get testicular pain and/or inflammation. You can get it through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. This is curable by taking oral antibiotics. There is an estimated of 1.2 million people living with HIV. Most people don`t feel any symptoms most feel healthy. No symptoms are shown until the immune system has been weekend; this is when cancers and other infections show up. There is no cure for HIV/Aids. Patients can get an antiretroviral treatment too slow down the progression of the HIV and the delay of Aids being nested. 3