Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 49

B R O T H E R AUS TIN G IL L , O. S . F. ’6 2 S C H O L A RS HI P M A RY A N D WA LT E R H EN NIN G S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by alumni, friends, and family in memory of Brother Austin, a longtime Assistant Professor of English at St. Francis College. After graduating from St. Francis Prep, he entered the Franciscan Brothers in 1954. Brother Austin received his B.A. degree from St. Francis College in 1962 and his M.A. degree from St. John’s University in 1966, as well as completing graduate study at NYU. During his 37 years of service at St. Francis College, he was made an Honorary Member of Duns Scotus in 1985 and received the Distinguished Faculty Award in 1987. Brother Austin passed away in June 2003. Catherine and Michael ’61 Henning established this scholarship in 2001 in honor of Mr. Henning’s parents. RE CI PIEN T: RE C I PIE N T: Guram Nozadze ’13, Biology SUS A N A N D R O G E R H E R T O G S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship created by Susan and Roger Hertog. RE C I PIE N T S : Stefan Perunicic* ’12, Economics Stefan is a member of the Men’s Basketball Team. Abigail Frodella ’13, Psychology – – ANIEL CHIN, ’14, PHYSICIAN AS SISTANT D Monica Torero ’14, Undecided ROBERT MCCARRON ( BROTHER ISID ORE B R O T H E R J O H N H O F F S C H MID T, O. S . F. S C H O L A RSHI P B R O T H E R U RB A N G O N N O U D, O. S . F. S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of the eleventh President of the College who served from 1958 to 1969. D R . F R A N CIS G REEN E S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established in honor of Dr. Francis Greene, longtime professor. For 30 years, Dr. Greene served as Chair of the Foreign Languages, Fine Arts and International Cultural Studies departments, where he is still a professor and moderator of the Duns Scotus Honor Society. RE CI PIEN T: Fatema Agag ’13, Psychology Fatema is a member of the Muslim Students Association. Scholarship established by alumni, friends, and family in memory of Brother John, a longtime Career Planning Director at St. Francis College. Brother John received his B.A. degree from St. John’s University in 1942 and his M.B.A. degree from NYU in 1954. Brother John served the College for over 20 years from 1970 to 1991. Through his gentle demeanor, wise counsel, and extraordinary generosity he helped thousands of young man and woman in planning their careers. Brother John passed away in November 2006. B R O T H E R E D M U N D H O L M E S, O. S . F. ’2 8 S C H O L A RSHI P Monsignor Paul Bradley ’37 established this scholarship in the name of Brother Edmund Holmes, Professor Emeritus at the College. It was first awarded in 1998. RE C I PIE N T: Jacqueline Marino ’14, English RI G H T RE V E REN D M O N SI G N O R D A NIE L A . H A N R A H A N S C H O L A RSHI P This scholarship is named for a distinguished alumnus of St. Francis College and is solely for the residents of Sacred Heart Parish, Cambria Heights, Queens. T H E B E RN A RD H AV E R T Y S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship created by David Haverty ’81 in memory of his father Bernard, preference is given to dependents and employees of the NYC Department of Public Works.The Elizabeth Billingham Haverty Scholarship Scholarship created by David Haverty ’81 in memory of his mother Elizabeth, preference is given to dependents of or current employees of the NYC Transit Authority. D R . C L E M E N T J E D R Z E J E W S K I S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of Dr. Jedrzejewski, a former professor of Sociology who taught at the College for 26 years, from 1946 to 1972. The Hearst Foundation has established three scholarships in memory of William Randolph Hearst. RE CI PIEN T S : Keith Fiandra ’13, Psychology Chelsea Olgiati ’15, Undecided C O RN E LIUS H EEN E Y M EM O RI A L S C H O L A RS HI P S The Brooklyn Benevolent Society established two scholarships in memory of the Society’s founder, Cornelius Heeney. RE CI PIEN T: Ronald Orlovsky ’14, BIOMS “ utting the right P words together to offer thanks to someone who has just invested in my future is challenging… the gift made possible through The Donald McCree, Jr. Scholarship is a stepping stone to me achieving my dreams. Every day I awake and I see my dreams become a reality and for that I am truly than