Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 48

D E L O IT T E / W IL LI A M G . PA RRE T T ’67 A C C O U N T IN G M A S T E RS S C H O L A RS HI P Four scholarships established by Deloitte and William G. Parrett ’67 to prepare accounting majors with the appropriate skills and abilities to become successful professionals. Scholarships will be awarded to students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree in Accounting at St. Francis College and are entering the Master’s Program. RE CI PIEN T: Teresa Maglione, Accounting Teresa is pursuing her B.S. and M.S. in Accounting. FA C U LT Y S C H O L A RSHI P Past and current faculty gifts established this scholarship. RE C I PIE N T: Sarilee Liz ’14, Physicians Assistant Kimberly Joyce ’12, Childhood Education (English) F R A N CIS C A N B R O T H E RS W H O RE SID E D AT T H E C O L L E G E F RI A RY S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by the family of alumnus Pete Fazio, former baseball coach of the College. This scholarship will benefit a scholar-athlete from Brooklyn or Queens. The Franciscan Brothers who resided at the College Friary established this scholarship to be awarded on the basis of both financial need and scholastic merit. J O H N ’5 8 A N D M A R G E D IE T L S C H O L A RS HI P RE C I PIE N T: Alexandra is a member of the Women’s Swim Team. Scholarship established by Monsignor John J. Bracken and the Diocese of Brooklyn in recognition of Bishop DiMarzio, the seventh Bishop of Brooklyn. This scholarship also recognizes St. Francis College’s 150th anniversary and the leadership of Frank J. Macchiarola Ph.D. ’62. MI C H A E L P. D O N O VA N ’ 81 A N D K E L LY J. Q UIN N ’ 8 0 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by Michael P. Donovan and Kelly J. Quinn. RE CI PIEN T: Alexandra Santo* ’12, History B E RN A RD F E R GUS O N ’22 S C H O L A RSHI P S Mr. Ferguson left a gift in his will to establish two scholarships for “worthy but needy students of the Roman Catholic faith.” The scholarship first was awarded in the fall of 1999. RE C I PIE N T: Natalia Bedrin ’14, Psychology P R O F E S S O R NI C H O L A S A . F I O REN Z A ’36 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of this longtime professor of Fine Arts. Professor Fiorenza taught at the College for 33 years, from 1946 to 1979. He passed away in 1997. Jeffrey Ramdass* ’12, Psychology RE C I PIE N T: Jeffrey is a member of the Psychology Club. Benincasa Brandon ’16, Accounting H O N O R A B L E EIL EEN C . D U G A N S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by family and friends in memory of State Assemblywoman Eileen Dugan, sister of Brendan J. Dugan ‘68, President of the College. The scholarship was awarded for the first time in 1998. RE CI PIEN T: The St. Francis Fraternity, Third Order of St. Francis, established two scholarships. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of both financial need and scholastic merit. P E T E R P. FA Z I O ’6 0 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by John Dietl and his late wife, Marge. BISH O P NI C H O L A S D IM A R Z I O S C H O L A RS HI P F R A N CIS C A N B R O T H E RS O F T H E T HIRD O RD E R RE G U L A R S C H O L A RS HI P S G E R A RD F L A N A G A N ’5 3 A N D E LI Z A B E T H F L A N A G A N M C C L O S K E Y S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by a gift left to the College through Mrs. McCloskey’s estate. RE C I PIE N T: Jully Zhong Huang ’15, Undecided F R A N C IS C A N IN S T IT U T E S C H O L A RS HI P The Franciscan Institute established this scholarship. This scholarship is awarded on the basis of both financial need and scholastic merit. RE C I PIE N T: Danielle Iannotto ’14, Psychology H A R O L D G E N EE N S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by John Monaghan ’57 and alumni and friends in memory of Harold Geneen, the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ITT. H O N O R A B L E A N T H O N Y J. G EN O V E SI S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established in 1999 by family and friends in memory of this prominent civic leader and member of the New York State Assembly. RE C I PIE N T: John Whelan* ’12, Philosophy B E T T Y A N D L E O G I A N C O L A S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established in 2000 by Elizabeth Giancola ’78 and Lawrence Becker ’77 in memory of Mrs. Becker’s parents. RE C I PIE N T: Andre Henry* ’12, Biology Ciro Debaz ’15, Undecided D R . JA M E S F LY N N S C H O L A RSHI P D U N S S C O T US S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship initiated by James Konkel ’57 and Albert Doumar ’57 and funded through the generous support of past members of the Duns Scotus Society. This scholarship will be awarded to a current Duns Scotus honors student entering their senior year at St. Francis. D R . J O SE P H A . E L LIS S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by alumni, friends, and former colleagues at the City College of New York in memory of Dr. Ellis, a former professor of History at St. Francis College. Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of Dr. Flynn, a professor of History from 1959 to 1977 at the College. RE C I PIE N T: Taisha Pajotte ’13, Physician Assistant H O N O R A B L E K E V IN F O G A R T Y S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established to honor Judge Fogarty upon his retirement as the College’s long-serving Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The scholarship was established by gifts from trustees, alumni, facul K