Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 47

R O B E R T B. C AT E L L S C H O L A RSHI P J O S E P H C O P P O T E L LI ’6 3 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by family and friends of Robert Catell, former Chairman of National Grid. Scholarship established with part of the proceeds from the 2000 Charter Award Dinner honoring Mr. Coppotelli, Vice Chairman of Structure Tone, Inc. RE CI PIEN T S : Eleni Aftousmis ’13, Accounting Eleni is a member of the Accounting Honor Society. Sophia Boussalh ’12 F R A N K C E L AU R O S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established in honor of Frank Celauro. RE CI PIEN T S : Michael DiSanto ’14, Biology Frank Celauro ’13 D E RRI C K D. C E P H A S S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established with part of the proceeds from the 1998 Charter Award Dinner honoring Mr. Cephas, President and CEO of Amalgamated Bank. RE CI PIEN T: Gabriella Deluca ’13, Undecided C H A SE M A N H AT TA N B A N K N . A . S C H O L A RS HI P S Chase Manhattan Bank established two scholarships, both in conjunction with the College’s centennial. C H EMI C A L B A N K S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by the employees of Chemical Bank. B R O T H E R H EN RY C U D DY, O. S . F. ’4 0 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by alumni, friends, and family in memory of Brother Henry, a former Academic Dean at the College. Brother Henry received his B.A. degree from St. Francis College in 1940, and his M.A. degree and Ph.D. from St. John’s University in 1943 and 1953. Throughout his life he was a student and a teacher of history. He loved the classroom but graciously accepted over his fifty years as a Professed Brother, Congregational assignments as High School Principal, Superior, College Dean and Faculty Residence Coordinator. Brother Henry passed away in 1991. A R T HU R C U RRY S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship in memory of Arthur Curry, a beloved member of the boxing community, established by Thomas Hauser and Seth Abraham and funded through the generous support of HBO and Arthur Curry’s many friends. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a college senior with high academic achievement and of outstanding character, who through word and deed has shown the ability to bring people together. The scholarship was first awarded on February 18, 2010, on what would have been Arthur’s 50th birthday.  SCHOLARSHIPS BY TH E N U M B E RS {243} SCHOL A RSHIP S {$1.16M} IN SCHOL A RSHIP S A N D M A JOR GIF T S RECEIV ED T HIS Y E A R RE C I PIE N T: Vanecia Hoyte* ’12, Health Promotion and Science RE CI PIEN T: Jeannette Raymond ’15, Psychology C L A S S O F 193 8 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by the Class of 1938 on the celebration of its 50th anniversary. This scholarship was awarded for the first time in the spring of 1990. A N T O IN E T T E M . D ’A M AT O S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by Senator Alfonse D’Amato in honor of his mother. JA C K ’70 A N D K AT H Y D A N A H E R S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by family and friends in honor of the late Jack Danaher and his wife, Kathy. D E A N J O H N C LIF F O RD S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of the beloved John Clifford, former Dean of Students and moderator of the Troupers, who died early in his career at the College. He served the College from 1962 to 1977. H A N S - P E T E R D AW S O N M EM O RI A L S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by William Dawson ’86 and Stephanie Rogen Dawson and their families in memory of their son. RE C I PIE N T: John Ahlemeyer ’14, Undecided RITA A N D MI C H A E L C O L LIN S S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established in honor of Mary Macchiarola’s parents by the Collins and Macchiarola families. J O C O N WAY S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by family and friends in memory of Jo Conway. H E L E N A N D L O UIS D E B L A SI O S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship establish