Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 50

JU LIE A N D A N N E K E L LY S C H O L A RS HI P M A RIE A N D BIL L L E D E RM A N N S C H O L A RSHI P M A R G A RE T L . M C A RD L E S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by sisters, Julie and Anne Kelly, alumnae from the Class of 1979. Scholarship established by Mary Ledermann, the College’s former vice president of Financial Affairs, in memory of her parents. Scholarship established by Walter McArdle ’38 in honor of his wife, Margaret. B R O T H E R PA S C A L K E L LY, O. S . F. ’3 3 S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of this long time professor of Philosophy. Brother Pascal served the College for 40 years, teaching from 1936 to 1976. He passed away in 1986. M RS . N O R A KO N K E L S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by James Konkel ’57 in memory of his mother. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of financial need and scholastic merit to a graduate of Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School with preference given toward an entering freshman. RE CI PIEN T: Jonathan Erquinigo*, Undecided RE C I PIE N T: Jessica Ayala ’13, Accounting RE C I PIE N T: Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of this longtime basketball coach and athletic director. Daniel served the College for 33 years, from 1948 to 1981. Tamika Bender ’14, Accounting RE C I PIE N T S : Campbell Bird ’12, English Campbell is pursuing her B.A in English with a concentration in Communications. Campbell is a member of the Women’s Swim Team and Water Polo Team. John Johansson ’15, International Cultural Studies P HILI P A N D RH EN A LY N C H S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by James Konkel ’57, a former partner at Deloitte, in memory of his late wife. This scholarship was first awarded in 20 0 4. Scholarship established by Michael Lynch and Susan Baker in memory of Mr. Lynch’s parents. R O B E R T ’5 0 A N D M A RY L A NI G A N S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by Robert and Mary Lanigan. 17 T H O F JU N E ( E V E LY N M A R G A RE T L A Q U E R C I A ) S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by Thomas Laquercia ’66 in honor of his late wife to benefit students with an interest in Spanish culture. RE CI PIEN T: Scholarship established by the College and supplemented by gifts from Frank ’62 and Mary Macchiarola in honor of their son, Frank J. Macchiarola. J O S E P H A N D MI C H A E L A M A C C HI A R O L A S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by the College and supplemented by gifts from Frank ’62 and Mary Macchiarola in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Michaela. Scholarship established by Frank ’62 and Mary Macchiarola and members and friends of the Macchiarola family in honor of Dr. Macchiarola’s parents. B R O T H E R G E O R G E L A RK IN , O. S . F. ’6 0 S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in honor of Brother George, the late Dean of Admissions, who served the College from 1971 to 2009. Brother George passed away in August 2009. RE C I PIE N T: Daniel Chin ’14, Physicians Assistant J O H N ’51 A N D M A RY M C C A R T H Y S C H O L A RS HI P S The McCarthys established twelve scholarships. The first was originally awarded in the spring of 1987. Erin Mahoney ’13, Communications and Advertising RI G H T RE V E REN D M O N SI G N O R J O SE P H V. M C C L A N C Y M E M O RI A L S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by the children of the Catholic schools of Brooklyn and Queens in memory of their distinguished superintendent and an alumnus of St. Francis College. This scholarship is awarded to a graduate of a Catholic high school. Scholarship established with part of the proceeds from the 1996 Charter Award Dinner honoring Mr. McCree, who is the retired President and CEO of IBJ Schroder Bank & Trust Company. It was awarded for the first time in 1997. RE C I PIE N T: M A RY A N D F R A N K J. ’62 M A C C HI A R O L A S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship \