Tercera Edición - Mayo 22 del 2014 1 | Page 10

10 {an american crisis } POR: JAIRO ROMERO - DISEC DISEC became a very interesting committee today, even if it was the last day of GLCMUN X. It began with a crisis involving the use of American UAV’s in Chinese territory, in which the United States with the support of Israel launched a large amount of UAV’s into Chinese territory. This was a considered a relatively monumental problem based on the fact that each UAV had the ability to engage targets, such as a hacker being search by the United States government or a Chinese civilian, and some of chemical bases in China could be used for weapon manufacturing. The debate began with the different nations stating their position in regard to the actions stated in the crisis. Pakistan declared the United States’ actions of entering a foreign territory without permission completely unacceptable, and added that the United States should be punished for such belligerent actions. On the other hand, countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom supported the actions of the United States, and expressed through well put-together arguments that the UAV attacks in China were beneficial for American sovereignty. The delegate of China argued that the U.S. was creating fear between nations and civilians, and encouraged the rest of the delegations to form a block against the United States because it was the center of the problem and a self-righteous nation that believed to be the king of the world. This argument offended delegations such as those of the United States and the United Kingdom, who both tried to disprove the arguments of the delegate of China, and in which the delegate of the United States claimed that “The UAV’s are for protection”. Making a solid comeback, China’s delegate presented a Washington post publication, which stated that the United States was the nation with most human rights violations in foreign countries and that the United States did not have the right to protect civilians of other countries if they could not even protect their own people. After this intervention, the delegate of the United States seemed to have no valid arguments left and preferred to keep his silence. During the debate, some delegations didn’t participate in the or contribute in any notable way. For example, the delegation of Israel argued that the actions of the United States where unacceptable, while ignoring the fact that Israel had also launched a UAV in Chinese territory, causing his argument to be contradictory and unfocused. The delegation of South Korea also provided confusing information to the debate by giving a positive and peaceful attitude that would not be considered characteristic of South Korea. The debate finished off well, showing the different abilities of the committee in regard to arguing the interesting topic of the use of UAV’s in foreign territory. I would like to thank the delegates present for making my days at GLCMUN X so interesting. Overall, it was a pleasure for me to be the press delegate of DISEC.