{over the edge of world war III)
Since yesterday, the European Union committee has
witnessed a strong debate about the disturbing
occurrence in the floor. To the surprise of the
commission, the Ukraine Republic was encroached by
troops of the Russian Federation and pro-Russian
troops, and the delegates were shocked when proRussian soldiers kidnapped and murdered the
delegate of Ukraine. In response, the newly formed
pro-Russian Ukrainian government sent a different
delegate standing to replace the last one, in which the
establishment of the new government was announced.
After this alarming event, the delegations of France,
Germany, Belgium, and inter alia sent troops over to
Kiev, forcing pro-Russian troops to back down with
the threat of declaring a war. Lobby time was then put
into order for the two blocks to work their ideas, in
which the groups were basically Russia and Ukraine
against the rest of the committee. The block led by the
United States of America and France sent a working
paper expressing their concerns about the situation,
involving the lives of thousands of people, and
declared the presence of different troops of almost the
whole European Union and the plausible attack if the
pro-Russian troops didn’t surrender. When the block
arrived to the floor, they were welcomed with a notvery-heartwarming acquaintance: the delegate of
China. As soon as the delegate of China (Laura
Manzanera) raised her placker, she expressed her
support toward Russia and Ukraine, and in less than
20 minutes declared a commercial rupture between
China and any country against its block. Also, Russia
counted with an alliance of DPRK, Venezuela, Cuba,
and the FARC if anyone thought about making a single
All this disturbance: pro-Russian and worldwide
troops, the closure of commercialization with China,
Ukrainian people suffering, can only mean one thing.
This is World War III.