In every issue of Tees
Life, a guest chef
will bring you the
ingredients and method
of cooking and serving a
recommended dish.
Philip Wigham, head
chef at Cafe Lilli in
Norton, describes how
to make crispy belly
pork and black pudding
bon-bon with apple
slaw, pancetta and pea
puree in cider sauce, to
serve four people...
Chef ’s Recipe
Crispy belly pork and black pudding bon-bon with
apple slaw, pancetta and pea puree in cider sauce
Serves four
Philip Wigham, head chef
at Cafe Lilli in Norton
Ingredients: 1kg skin on pork belly, 2 carrots,
2 celery sticks, 2 white onions, 2 sprigs of
thyme, 2 bay leaves, 500ml cider.
Method: Dice all vegetables and add to a
tray, placing the pork belly on top. Add herbs
before pouring cider over the pork, top up
with water until covered. Place a sheet of
parchment paper over the pork then foil over
the tray. Roast at 160°C for three hours. After
cooking, remove pork from the tray and
leave to cool. Pour cooking stock through a
sieve and leave to cool, then remove excess
fat from the top of the stock, place in a pan
and reduce. When pork belly is cooked, cut
in to a rectangular shape. Heat a frying pan
and place the pork, skin side down, and fry
on medium heat, adding black pudding bon-
bon, fry again until golden. Finish the pork
in the oven at 180°C until crispy.
Bon-Bon Slaw
Method: Roll black pudding into a ball,
shape then flour. Whisk the egg and milk
together, add black pudding then place in
bread crumbs. Method: Grate apples, onion, white cabbage,
add mayonnaise and season with salt and
pepper to taste.
Ingredients: 200g black pudding, 100g bread
crumbs, 1 egg, 20ml milk, 100g plain flour.
Ingredients: 2 eating apples, ½ white
cabbage, 2 carrots, 3tbl spoons wayonnaise.
Plate up... Serve with peas, mixed salad and decorate with pea puree. Place the
apple slaw into a separate jar or small bowl. Delicious!