Tees Life Tees Life issue 2 | Page 16

Utility Alliance is an energy brokerage set up by a board of directors with more than 30 years ’ of combined experience in the sector .

Initially launched with a team of six , the business has grown rapidly over the last two years and now operates with a 200-strong workforce .
This rapid growth has necessitated the company ’ s relocation to larger premises at Hartlepool Marina .
The business is recognised as one of the fastest growing of its kind in the utilities sector . As such , it works alongside some of the biggest suppliers in the world to secure the best possible deals for its clients .
Utility Alliance works with businesses of all sizes , ranging from single person operations to multi-national firms with more than one site .
The largest proportion of clients fall into the SME category , with an ever-increasing list of customers from the Tees Valley area .
The Utility Alliance board : Bob Moore ( left ), Darren Sutherland ( centre ) and Phill Moore .
Utility Alliance takes the hassle out of switching your energy supplier by taking care of the whole switching process – in easy steps – to ensure a smooth transition with zero downtime to your business .
Around 70 % of businesses in England weren ’ t aware the water market was deregulating earlier this year .
Utility Alliance makes it its goal to inform businesses of these changes and help them to reduce their outlay on water as well as secure contracts with a company with first-class customer service .
As things stand , all businesses will be moved from their current retailer to a new retailer for their geographical area , but will

Take the hassle out of switching – and save cash

effectively be out of contract and paying more than they need to .
To get involved with Utility Alliance , all they need is a full water bill and a letter of authority to be able to quote .
There are guaranteed savings from their current tariff for all English businesses .
Utility Alliance can also look at water reduction and monitoring techniques to help businesses reduce their consumption .
The company offers a full bill validation on water to ensure the correct level of VAT is being paid and the correct banding for sewerage charges is charged . This often results in Utility Alliance discovering rebates for its customers .
For more information , call Utility Alliance ’ s team on 01429 727100 or visit utility-alliance . com