Tees Business Issue 33 | Page 99

Specialists - From left , Durata ’ s director Andy Mullen , project director Omar Yousef , head of modular data centre projects Lewis Cobb , head of data centre solutions Jo Stiles , sales and marketing support Kaitlyn Sedgewick , quality director Alison McGee and managing director John McGee .
is for the industry to gather and bounce ideas around , as well as tout for work .
Durata ’ s ability to build data centres that can be exported to anywhere in the world puts them rightfully on the top table .
John says : “ Me and Andy have gone as attendees to mingle for the last 10 years . This year we had 11 of us there on the first day to make sure we were well covered .
“ We are establishing ourselves with the industry ’ s best businesses . Our reputation is growing and we felt this was the right time to showcase our offer and services .
“ We had an interactive bespoke stand and it wasn ’ t like anyone else ’ s . It was a chance for us to show how far we have come and cement ourselves as one of the biggest in the country .
“ We have always been perceived , quite rightly , as punching above our weight but I genuinely don ’ t think we are any more . We are delivering effective solutions on a global scale and we are getting recognised closer to home on Teesside more too .”
Durata had two new appointments in attendance at Data Centre World . Jo Stiles and Lewis Cobb joined the company at the beginning of March as head of data centre solutions and head of modular data centre projects , respectively .
Jo , from Oxfordshire , arrived with a wealth of experience of the industry and is convinced she has moved to Durata at a fantastic time . She will be focused on winning more contracts .
She said : “ I first started a data centre job
We are delivering effective solutions on a global scale and we are getting recognised closer to home on Teesside more too .”
in 1999 when you couldn ’ t get batteries for love nor money . I have more than 20 years ’ worth of experience in areas ranging from LV switchgear infrastructure and cooling to high security entrance solutions and generators .
“ The last company I worked for , I set up the data sector for them . I took them to Europe and they recently opened an office in Dubai and are opening in Paris . They grew internationally . I ’ m looking forward to looking at options to take Durata further afield .
“ Durata is so focused and is an exciting prospect . To an extent , there are no limits because John is so open-minded to what we can do .”
When you drive to its TeesAMP HQ in Middlesbrough , it ’ s hard to miss Durata ’ s striking blue and white branding . That continues inside the offices too .
Standing out has been an aim of Durata , with the intention being to follow in the footsteps of sports stars John and Andy admire , such as Mike Tyson and Team Sky ’ s cycling team , whose positive image they feel had practically won before they even started . Durata ’ s outlook is something that attracted Lewis to join the team .
Lewis , who lives on Merseyside , says : “ This company is more dynamic than I have seen elsewhere . There is an energy that emits from all the branding .
“ Dynamism has always been in my head as a keyword . The company reflects what I want to be - forward-thinking and a ‘ can do ’ attitude . There really is huge potential here to keep growing in a modular solutions market .
“ There is a real chance of that market ramping up with EDGE solutions or modularized power solutions . Durata has an operational set-up that is incredibly unique and I am here to give it direction , a market to go into and a bit of fire to get things done .
“ I aim to bring customers in and turn Teesside into the home of modular data solutions . It won ’ t just be data centres either . It ’ s about showing people we distribute what we do around the world . The guys here have the bones of it and I am looking to flesh it into a bit more .”
* For further information check out duratauk . com
The voice of business in the Tees region | 99