Dream – Gavin Larry has realised an ambition by having his own fitness space at Gym 22 , Stockton .
Personal trainer bounces back after Covid redundancy to open Teesside ’ s newest gym
Teesside ’ s first “ boutique gym ” is the realisation of a dream for fitness enthusiast Gavin Larry .
As a young boy , Gavin was in a wheelchair because of a rare childhood condition affecting his hip and could only watch while other kids enjoyed sport .
Gavin remembers : “ I was told not to play football and sports . I wasn ’ t allowed in school for a while . Even crueller , my house was next to the school . I could see them all out playing .”
Spurred on by those painful memories , Gavin was determined to be fit and fought his way back to health through football and fitness training .
Fast forward to 2023 and he is now running his own gym , which opened in Stockton earlier this year . It already has 50 members so far and eight corporate partners .
Gym 22 , based on the Preston Farm Industrial Estate , is a welcoming smaller space where people from all walks of life can feel at home pursuing their fitness goals in a safe environment .
Gavin describes Gym 22 , on the ground floor of the Map Group building in George Stephenson Way , as having “ a very homely feel ”, adding : “ It is inviting and calm .”
In a post-pandemic world , measures have been taken to keep people safe .
He said : “ We have sanitiser next to every machine , disinfectant cleaner on each machine , plus we deep clean every two days .”
Gavin , a former salesman who qualified as a personal trainer , and his business partner Martin Gilbey , unveiled the new gym in January .
It has already attracted the attention of some familiar faces . Middlesbrough FC legend Bernie Slaven and Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen have both paid visits .
It ’ s still early days as the business continues to build its strength but already Gavin , from Ingleby Barwick , is realising his ambition of having his own fitness space .
Strangely , it was the Covid pandemic which made it all possible . Gavin lost his job in sales during the health crisis and retrained as a personal trainer , working in local gyms and from home .
The 40-year-old married dad said : “ I was always interested in opening a gym . I just wanted a place where people can come and feel comfortable .”
He thinks many people are missing out because they “ feel intimidated ”, perhaps by seeing more experienced gym buffs in action .
There may be concerns about body image , a lack of confidence or confusion about how to properly use gym equipment .
Gavin said : “ I ’ ve watched it a million times . A lot of people go into gyms , they don ’ t know what machines they should be using . They do half an hour on the treadmill and give up . It shouldn ’ t be like that .
“ They should be able to come in and
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learn how to use all of the machines . Noone is judging them . Everyone is in there for the same reason .”
He says going to the gym shouldn ’ t feel like a chore and , although it can be uncomfortable and hard work , the rewards are there if you are disciplined and willing to push yourself a little .
Gavin added : “ It just needs to be part of your everyday life . You need a plan , you need to know why you are doing it . It doesn ’ t have to be because you are trying to get a beach body or look amazing . It will just make you feel a lot better . It can be life-transforming .”
It caters for people of different ages and abilities . They may be complete beginners or regular gym-goers . They may have busy careers and lives but make time to come down to the gym to get their fitness fix . It was “ a proud day ” for all involved when the gym opened its doors , although Gavin admits it was also a strange feeling – “ it was just a surreal moment ”.
Gym 22 – named after Gavin ’ s lucky number – is open seven days a week . Gavin also runs his own personal training business , Fitness 22 .
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