The present investigation(research) (PNL) has as aim(lens) propose the
incorporation of the Programming Neurolinguistics in the process of education, as
didactic model of communication in the construction of the knowledge of the Basic
Integrated sciences. The methodology of work used adjusts inside the exploratory /
descriptive method under the documentary modality and of field. For his(her,your)
design the process was divided investigativo in three stages being outlined the
inputs, methods, technologies(skills), procedures and instruments used to obtain
the partial and definitive products of the investigation(research). In the first one the
theoretical system was formed, using as method the inference abductiva and the
documentary review and as(like) technical the analysis of content. In the second
stage for the compilation of the information the survey was in use as
technology(skill) and since(as,like) I orchestrate the questionnaire applied to 24
teachers belonging to the schools located in the central hull of the locality of Top
Teasel. In the third stage an offer was designed under the methodology of the
strategic planning by the construction of plans of action(share) directed to
promoting strategies of solution to the difficulties detected from the systematic
analysis of the diagnosis realized by means of the counterfoil FODA. Once fulfilled
the aims(lenses) there was obtained as result that the use of the PNL in the
process of education of these disciplines promotes the acquisition of significant
learnings improving the process of didactic communication, promoting the mental
capacities, the emotions and his(her,your) perception towards the sciences in
his(her,your) pedagogic practice for the construction of the knowledge of the
sciences and the design of strategies in correspondence with the systems of
representation of the child.
KEY WORDS: Programming neurolingüística, Construction of knowledge, didactic
Communication, mental Capacities, Strategies.